The Benefits of a Doorbell Camera
Doorbell cameras are small but powerful. They can be used to see who is at your door and who may be approaching. This is a win from a safety standpoint. It's also a win for those who want to avoid door-to-door salesmen "dropping by." Without leaving the couch, you can see who's at the door... You hear the doorbell ring and quietly walk up to the door to check out who is there. Despite your best efforts to hide, the person on either side of you sees and probably hears you. You'll have to sneak away from the door if you don't succeed. If they are aware that you're at home, chances are that an unwanted visitor will stay. This can be prevented by a doorbell camera. Your doorbell camera can send you an alert, regardless of whether you are in your basement, backyard, or at work. You can use your smartphone to see who is outside and who is approaching. You can meet them at their door if they are a welcome visitor. You can continue doing what you a...